Layer Seven Security

Cybersecurity Extension for SAP version 5.1

S/4HANA Access Risk Analysis, SAP RISE Compliance, SAP ETD Benchmarking and More

The new release of the Cybersecurity Extension for SAP is scheduled for general availability in May and includes several important enhancements.

Version 5.1 includes coverage for critical access and segregation of duties in SAP S/4HANA. It performs more than 700 checks for access to sensitive transactions and conflicting combinations of transactions for business processes such as Finance, HR and Payroll, Materials Management, Order to Cash, and Procure to Pay in S/4HANA. Exclusions can be maintained for users and groups to tune checks and exclude permitted users. Users can add custom checks for transactions and combinations not included in the standard ruleset. This includes custom transactions. The coverage includes all of the relevant access risk IDs monitored by SAP GRC for S/4HANA. The checks are included in the new areas S/4HANA Critical Access and S/4HANA Segregation of Duties. Usage rights are included in the standard license for the Cybersecurity Extension for SAP.

The new release also includes support for monitoring the compliance of SAP RISE systems with information security standards defined by SAP Enterprise Cloud Services (ECS) in note 3250501. The standards include required settings for security-relevant profile parameters, deleting unused clients, securing standard users, restricting access to password hashes, RFC gateway and message server hardening, deactivating critical ICF services, managing system and client change options, and applying transport layer security. There are over 120 specific requirements across 12 areas that customers must comply with for RISE solutions managed by ECS.

Version 5.1 includes several new threat detection patterns to bridge the gap with SAP Enterprise Threat Detection Cloud Edition (ETD CE). As a result, the Cybersecurity Extension for SAP now provides coverage for the same patterns as ETD CE. It also includes more than 750 patterns that are not included in ETD CE. Similar to ETD CE, the Cybersecurity Extension for SAP is available as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) for RISE customers.

Finally, the new release includes new tiles for Actively Exploited Vulnerabilities and Known Exploited Vulnerabilities. The former can be used to display open vulnerabilities that have associated alerts. The latter can display calculated security notes for systems that are required to address Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) for SAP solutions in the CISA KEV catalog.

Security Compliance for SAP RISE Solutions

S/4HANA and other ABAP systems provisioned by SAP for RISE customers are based on standard system builds. The builds include default settings to apply security by default based on hardening requirements and best practices. The settings are outlined in SAP Note 3250501 – Information on Mandatory Security Parameters & Hardening Requirements for ABAP systems in SAP Enterprise Cloud Services (ECS).

The requirements include recommended settings for security-relevant profile parameters, deleting unused clients, securing standard users, restricting access to password hashes, RFC gateway and message server hardening, deactivating critical ICF services, managing system and client change options, and applying transport layer security. There are over 120 specific requirements across 12 areas that customers must abide by to comply with SAP security standards for RISE solutions.

The Cybersecurity Extension for SAP (CES) performs automated gap assessments to ensure RISE solutions comply with SAP security requirements. The assessments are performed using Compliance Reporting accessed from the CES launchpad.

SAP RISE should be selected from the framework selection screen.

Once the framework is selected, you can select a target system from the available systems in your SAP RISE landscape and click on Execute.

The results are summarized for each requirement and an overall compliance score is calculated for the system.

You can drilldown into each requirement to navigate the detailed findings.

You can click on the > icon for each finding to view further information and create an action plan to manage the remediation of compliance issues.

The report filters can be used to focus on specific requirements or results. For example, you can suppress compliant areas to isolate compliance failures.

Shortcuts can be created and published to the Fiori launchpad for fast access to compliance results.

The shortcuts can be published as custom tiles to existing or new work groups.

Compliance reports can also be scheduled to run on regular intervals. The reports are automatically distributed in PDF or CSV to recipients by email during each run.

The Cybersecurity Extension for SAP is an SAP-certified addon for SAP Solution Manager and SAP Focused Run. An addon version for other SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP systems such as SAP GRC is expected in Q4 this year.

Security Patching for SAP Solutions

The risk of unpatched systems is consistently reported as one of the top three threats to SAP systems in every survey of SAP customers performed by SAPinsider since 2021. Regularly implementing SAP security notes is reported as the most significant action performed by organizations to secure their SAP solutions. Security notes provide include corrections for known vulnerabilities in SAP software. They are released by SAP on Patch Tuesday, the second Tuesday of each month.

Keeping up with SAP patches is reported as the first or second greatest cybersecurity challenge confronted by SAP customers. This is due to several factors including:

  • High volume of security notes
  • Maintaining system availability
  • Validating calculated notes
  • Scheduling downtime
  • Prioritizing security notes
  • Resource constraints

The whitepaper Security Patching for SAP Solutions from Layer Seven Security includes best practices to overcome these challenges. It provides a comprehensive framework for discovering, analyzing and implementing SAP security notes. The whitepaper includes clear and practical recommendations from the leaders in SAP cybersecurity to automate and optimize security patching procedures for SAP.


Cybersecurity Threats to SAP Systems Report

Earlier this month, SAPinsider released the 2023 Cybersecurity Threats to SAP Systems Report. Co-sponsored by Layer Seven Security, the report is based on the findings of a survey of more than 205 security professionals in North America, EMEA, APJ, and LATAM, representing SAP customers across nine industries.

The report revealed several trends in 2023 compared to reports for earlier years. Similar to 2022, respondents ranked unpatched systems, ransomware attacks, and credentials compromise as the most significant threats to SAP systems. The exploitation of system interfaces and weak access controls were also identified as important but less significant threats.

Patching and updating SAP systems and enforcing secure password policies were reported as the most important requirements for SAP cybersecurity. Protecting SAP systems from zero-days threats was also identified as an important requirement, even though there is no evidence of the successful exploitation of any zero-day vulnerability for SAP solutions.

This article provides practical recommendations for managing the top five threats to SAP systems presented in the report. The recommendations can be implemented using a combination of the Cybersecurity Extension for SAP and SAP ALM platforms such as Solution Manager, Focused Run, and Cloud ALM. According to the report, 81% of customers are using one or more of these platforms. However, less than half of SAP customers are fully leveraging the capabilities of their ALM investments.

Security Patching

Keeping up with patches is the most significant cybersecurity challenge reported by SAP customers. This is due to reasons such as the volume of patches, difficulties with prioritizing notes and scheduling system downtimes, the reluctance to apply notes that could impact system availability, and issues validating whether patches are correctly implemented. The last is especially challenging for notes with manual corrections.

System Recommendations (SysRec) in SAP Solution Manager automates the discovery and implementation of security notes for SAP solutions. It calculates relevant notes based on the installed software components and versions in systems. Notes can be filtered by priority to focus on hot news and high priority patches. SysRec also identifies objects impacted by security notes and provides usage counts for the objects. This can be used to develop targeted test plans based on the known impact of security notes. Notes impacting unused objects can be implemented with minimal testing.

Automated corrections can be downloaded through SysRec and staged in systems for implementation. Once implemented successfully, the relevant notes are automatically removed from the SysRec results. The implementation status of notes with manual corrections can be maintained using the Status option. False positives in SysRec can occur if notes are released by SAP without software component information. The Cybersecurity Extension for SAP (CES) automatically discovers and removes the false positives to improve the quality and reliability of notes reported by SysRec.


Ransomware can target SAP applications through multiple a­ttack vectors. Unauthorized external program starts through the gateway server should be restricted using the secinfo access control list. Authorizations for OS commands should be restricted. This includes authorizations for RSBDCOS0, SM49 and CG3Z which can be used to download, install and run ransomware tools. Custom ABAP, UI5, Java and SQLScript programs may be exploited to perform arbitrary OS commands. Vulnerable programs can be discovered using code vulnerability scanning solutions. Vulnerable ICF services such as SOAP RFC and WEB RFC should be disabled. The SAP Virus Scan Interface should be enabled to support the detection of malware in file uploads and the propagation of ransomware through file downloads.

Ransomware can also target hosts supporting SAP applications. Therefore, it is important to secure and monitor the operating system layer in SAP systems. Unnecessary ports and services should be closed. Root commands and sudo actions should be closely monitored, particularly wget and bash commands, and the creation and execution of OS files.  The Cybersecurity Extension for SAP is the only security solution that protects and detects against ransomware across application, database and OS layers in SAP systems.

Credentials Compromise

Transport layer security using SNC and SSL for SAP protocols will protect encoded SAP passwords in client-server and server-server communications. Access to password hashes in SAP tables should be restricted and monitored. Downwards-compatible passwords should be disabled since this will prevent the storage of password hashes that use vulnerable algorithms. Strong password policies should be enforced using the relevant settings in systems including login parameters in ABAP systems. Session management should be enabled and logon tickets and cookies should be secured against misuse. Detection and alerting for SAP accounts that may have been compromised can be activated using Anomaly Detection in the Cybersecurity Extension for SAP. Anomaly Detection will detect for unusual user actions such logins from new terminals or IP addresses for each user and the execution of transactions and reports that are not typically accessed by users.

System Interfaces

Program starts, server registrations, and monitor commands should be restricted for the gateway server. The use of RFC destinations with stored credentials should be restricted. The authorizations for RFC users should be provisioned based on the principle of least privilege to minimize the impact if RFC accounts are compromised. RFC user accounts should be system or communication user types, not dialog or reference. Positive whitelists are recommended to prevent the misuse of RFC callbacks. Trusted RFC connections should be used only in the required scenarios and trust relationships should not be configured from lower to higher order environments.

Unified Connectivity (UCON) should be enabled and configured to protect external calls to sensitive remote-enabled function modules (RFMs). Requests blocked by UCON are logged in the Security Audit Log.

Interface and Connection Monitoring (ICMon) in SAP Solution Manager and Integration and Exception Monitoring in SAP Focused Run can be deployed to identify critical internal and external system interfaces. This includes RFC, HTTP, Cloud, IDoc, and Web Service connections. Alerts can be configured for the usage of system interfaces outside of normal scenarios. For example, customers can enable alerting for an RFC destination if it used by a user not included in a permitted whitelist or if the destination is used to call RFMs that are not typically called by the destination. Similar alerting can be enabled for calls to applications, IDocs, cloud services and web services accessed using non-RFC protocols.

Access Controls

Access to administrative profiles, roles, authorizations and transactions should be restricted. This includes roles and permissions in SAP databases and hosts. The SAP_ALL profile should not be used in productive systems. Standard users should be locked and default passwords should be changed. Authorization checks should be enforced for all RFMs and system operations. Switchable authorization checks should be enabled wherever applicable to secure access to sensitive function modules. Conflicting functions should be assigned to separate users to enforce the segregation of duties. This includes user creation/ role maintenance, role maintenance/ role assignment, and transport creation/ transport release.

The Cybersecurity Extension for SAP can be used to discover users with administrative permissions or access to conflicting functions. It can also alert for the execution of sensitive programs, reports and transactions. Exclusions can be maintained for specific users or based on factors such as user group to support whitelisting and prevent false positives or alert flooding.

Securing the Journey to SAP S/4HANA

Earlier this month, Layer Seven Security released the new whitepaper Securing the Journey to SAP S/4HANA: A Security Framework for S/4HANA Migrations. The whitepaper provides a comprehensive guide to S/4HANA security to support the transition from SAP ERP to S/4HANA.

Mainstream maintenance for ERP will end in December 2027. Therefore, organizations must migrate to S/4HANA by the beginning of 2028. To date, only one third of organizations have migrated to S/4HANA. Therefore, the majority of SAP customers will be migrating over the next five years.

Security is one of the largest roadblocks to successful migrations. This is due to significant differences between ERP and S/4HANA that require the restructuring of access and technical controls. It is also due to concerns related to cloud security since almost 70% of organizations are electing to migrate to cloud-based S/4HANA installations. Other security concerns arise from the migration of custom SAP programs from ERP to S/4HANA. These programs often contain hidden and unresolved security vulnerabilities since they were never subject to in depth code vulnerability analysis.

The whitepaper includes detailed recommendations across twelve domains to deal with these and other security concerns and facilitate the smooth transition to S/4HANA. The recommendations are aligned to best practices in the SAP S/4HANA Security Guide. The whitepaper also includes guidance for automating pre and post go-live security checks for S/4HANA migrations using SAP Solution Manager and the Cybersecurity Extension for SAP.

Maintaining System Inventories with SAP Solution Manager

Maintaining an accurate and complete inventory of SAP systems is an important requirement for cybersecurity. It enables organizations to assess and prioritize risk management, ensure systems are not accidentally overlooked and exposed to threats, plan and track maintenance activities such as upgrades to apply security patches, and recover rapidly from security incidents including data breaches and successful ransomware attacks. For this reason, compliance frameworks such as CIS, NIST and PCI-DSS include requirements for asset management. The requirement is also the subject of the new bill Strengthening Agency Management and Oversight of Software Assets Act approved by the U.S Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee in September.

In many organizations, SAP asset inventories are maintained in spreadsheets or asset management tools that require manual updating. This can lead to inaccuracies if these approaches fail to keep pace with changes in complex and evolving SAP landscapes. Landscape Management in SAP Solution Manager provides an automated solution for managing system inventories by discovering and mapping SAP assets and automatically updating system information. Landscape Management is included in the standard usage rights for Solution Manager.

System information is sourced by Landscape Management from the System Landscape Directory (SLD). The SLD is the central repository of system information required for SAP lifecycle management. SAP landscapes may have multiple SLDs for backup or to support different environments, but the supplier for Landscape Management is the central SLD. The SLD includes a software catalog for each system known as CR Content. It also includes a Common Information Model (CIM) for sharing hardware and software information. CR and CIM data is automatically synched  from the SLD with Landscape Management via SAP agents. The data can also be automatically or manually imported into Solution Manager in landscapes that do not have an SLD. The data is then synched from Landscape Management with the Maintenance Planner in the SAP Support Portal. This is one of the primary reasons why SAP Solution Manager is required in SAP landscapes even if customers are not actively using any SolMan scenarios.

Landscape Management is accessed from the SAP Solution Manager Administration workgroup in the Fiori Launchpad.

System information is categorized by application server, database, host and component areas. For technical systems, you can select a system from the selection screen and click on Display to display the full system information.

The initial screen summarizes the key attributes for the system such as the SID, database, installation number, release information and SAP products installed in the system. This section also includes the environment, location and lifecycle status. The priority of the system can be used to classify systems based on their business importance using a low to very high rating scale.

The tabs for Technical Scenarios, SAP Support Portal, Business Partners, and Installed Licenses detail the active SolMan scenarios for the system, the system number, key personnel including system owners, business contacts, architects, and technical support with email addresses and telephone numbers, and license information.  

The Software section lists the installed software components including version and support pack level. This information is used by SAP Solution Manager during the calculation of relevant notes including security notes.

The Database, Instances and Clients section include information such as the database type, release and host name, instance names, numbers and directories, and active clients and roles.

The Hosts section will include host-level information such as the host name, FQDN, IP address, OS type and version, CPU, and details of whether the host is physical, logical or virtual.

The Destinations section lists the active RFC destinations in the system by client.

Finally, the Component Groups section details the logical component groups for the system. This is often used to group systems based on their role. The system roles below are predefined by SAP. However, users can create and maintain custom component groups to cluster systems by business group, function, location, or other areas.

30 Percent of Security Notes in System Recommendations are False Positives

System Recommendations (SysRec) in SAP Solution Manager automatically calculates relevant security notes for SAP systems based on the available software and application components in each system. It provides a cross-system view for required notes using a customizable, user-friendly interface.

The use of SysRec is recommended by SAP for the lifecycle management of notes. It connects directly to SAP Support to perform a daily or weekly check for new notes. It identifies prerequisite and side-effect notes.  It also identifies support packages for notes. Corrections can be downloaded directly through SysRec and staged automatically in systems. SysRec integrates with Change Request Management (ChaRM) for applying notes. It also supports change impact analysis for test planning through integration with the Business Process Change Analyzer (BPCA). Usage statistics for impacted objects are included in SysRec through integration with Usage and Procedure Logging (UPL) and the ABAP Call Monitor (SCMON).

Despite these benefits, there is one major drawback for SysRec. Based on an analysis performed by Layer Seven Security, an average of 30 percent of security notes reported in SysRec are false positives. The notes are irrelevant since the impacted application components are not installed in the relevant SAP systems. The process of manually reviewing notes in SysRec in order to identify and remove false positives is time-consuming, especially for large SAP landscapes. It can also lead to delays in the implementation of corrections to address security vulnerabilities in SAP solutions.

SysRec calculates notes for systems based on software information sourced from the Landscape Managed Database (LMDB) in SAP Solution Manager. The LMDB includes details of software components and versions for each system. This information supports not only SysRec, but Root Cause Analysis and System Monitoring in Solution Manager, and the Maintenance Planner in the SAP Support Portal. The data is synched from the System Landscape Directory (SLD). Therefore, one of the root causes of false positives in SysRec is the incomplete registration of systems in the SLD and synchronization issues between between the SLD and LMDB. Other root causes are job or connection errors during the runtime for the SysRec calculation. The LMDB can be kept in sync with the SLD by using the resynchronization option in the LMDB. Job and connection errors can be identified and alerted for using Job Monitoring and Interface Connection Monitoring in SolMan.

However, system maintenance, synchronization, and monitoring does not remove all false positives in SysRec. This is often a major source of frustration for SAP customers. The Cybersecurity Extension for SAP automatically identifies and removes false positives in SysRec by validating if the application components for notes are installed in SAP systems. Security notes for components that are not installed are marked as ‘Irrelevant’. Irrelevant notes can be removed using filters to improve the quality and reliability of results in System Recommendations.

The Cybersecurity Extension for SAP also enriches SysRec results by including information such as the CVE, CVSS and Vector for each note. This information supports the analysis and prioritizing of security notes based on risk and impact.

Patch Your SAP Systems with SAP Solution Manager

Regularly patching SAP systems is the single most important action you can take to secure business-critical SAP applications from cyber threats. Despite the concern surrounding zero-day vulnerabilities, every known SAP exploit targets existing vulnerabilities patched by SAP through security notes. In other words, there is no evidence of the exploitation of zero-day vulnerabilities for SAP applications. However, there is a multitude of evidence for the exploitation of known vulnerabilities that have been fully patched by SAP.

This includes well-known SAP vulnerabilities such as ICMAD, RECON and 10KBLAZE. Notes 3123396 and 3123427 patch SAP for ICMAD. Note 2934135 secures SAP against RECON exploits. Protection against 10KBLAZE can be applied through notes 1408081, 821875, and 1421005. Some the notes for 10KBLAZE have been available since 2006. This is 13 years before CISA released an alert for the exploits.

Organizations take an average of three months to implement hot news notes for critical SAP vulnerabilities. Yet threat actors can weaponize SAP vulnerabilities within 72 hours of a patch release. Therefore, it is important to minimize the window of opportunity for attackers by rapidly discovering, analyzing and implementing SAP security notes.

Most software tools for SAP patch management automate the discovery of SAP security notes but do not support notes analysis and implementation.  System Recommendations (SysRec) is the only solution that supports the full lifecycle of SAP security notes. SysRec is a standard application in SAP Solution Manager, recommended by SAP for patch management. It is automatically enabled during the installation and setup of Solution Manager.


For notes discovery, SysRec performs a daily check for the latest security notes. Therefore, customers are notified immediately as soon as new notes are released by SAP. SysRec connects directly to the SAP Support Portal to identify new notes. It calculates relevant notes based on software information for SAP systems stored in the Landscape Management Database (LMDB). The LMDB is synced to the SAP NetWeaver System Landscape Directory (SLD). The SLD is the source of system information in SAP landscapes including installed software components, databases and operating systems and the versions of components and platforms. Notes calculation takes into account the implementation status of notes. Therefore, fully implemented notes are automatically excluded by SysRec.

It is important to note that the results returned by SysRec are based on installed components, regardless of usage. All installed components must be maintained and patched even if they are not actively used since they are part of the attack surface.

System Recommendations is widely used by SAP administrators to manage not only SAP security notes but also correction, legal, performance and other notes. SAP security teams that rely on third party solutions for notes discovery often clash with SAP administrators since security notes returned by their tools do not align with the results of SysRec. SAP administrators are inclined to trust the results of SAP applications such as SysRec over third party solutions. This can lead to disputes and delays within organizations as SAP administration and security teams fail to align on the notes that should be implemented. The risk is avoided when both teams use System Recommendations and are therefore aligned on the required security notes.


SysRec supports detailed notes analysis through integration with Usage and Procedure Logging (UPL) and the ABAP Call Monitor (SCMON). UPL and SCMON support change impact analysis by revealing function modules, methods, programs and other objects impacted by security notes before they are applied. It includes usage statistics for impacted objects. This information enables SAP administrators to determine the scope and extent of testing for security notes. Notes impacting many objects with high usage counts may require detailed integration or regression testing. Conversely, notes impacting few objects with low usage counts indicates that customers may be able to employ less complex and more rapid test approaches such as smoke tests. Change impact analysis in SysRec provides the insights required by SAP customers to pinpoint the effect of security notes in SAP systems. This addresses the root cause of long patch cycles that increase the period of vulnerability for SAP systems.


System Recommendations enables users to download corrections from the SAP Support Portal directly to the target SAP system. This is performed using the option for Integrated Desktop Actions. The user is prompted to select the target system before the download and can therefore select non-productive SIDs when analyzing notes for productive SIDs. SysRec automatically calls SNOTE in the target system after the download to apply the note.

Integrated Desktop Actions also enables users to create a Request for Change (RfC) in Change and Request Management (ChaRM) for security notes. ChaRM is commonly used by SAP customers to manage the lifecycle of SAP changes and includes workflows to control requests including phases for requirements, approval, testing, and promotion to production.

If you would like to learn more about patching SAP systems using System Recommendations, request a pre-release of Layer Seven Security’s new whitepaper for SAP Security Patching, scheduled for Q3 2022.

Whitepaper: Securing SAP Solutions from Log4Shell

Log4JShell is one of the most dangerous security vulnerabilities in decades. It can be exploited remotely with minimal complexity and without authentication to execute arbitrary code that could lead to the complete compromise of vulnerable applications.

Log4Shell impacts Log4J, a widely installed open-source Java logging utility. A dangerous zero-day remote code execution vulnerability in Log4J was reported in November last year. The vulnerability was patched in December and published in the National Vulnerability Database on December 12 as CVE-2021-44228.

Log4Shell was added to the Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) Catalog by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) due to evidence of widespread active exploitation of the vulnerability by multiple threat actors. This includes nation state groups originating from China, Iran, Russia and North Korea. According to some reports, threat actors are exploiting the vulnerability to deploy ransomware payloads or to gain access to target networks. The access is then brokered to other threat actors.

Log4J is bundled in multiple SAP solutions including products such as SAP HANA and SAP Process Orchestration. Download the new whitepaper from Layer Seven Security to learn to mitigate and detect Log4Shell in SAP applications. The whitepaper includes a detailed breakdown of the vulnerability, guidance for patching and securing SAP solutions, and recommendations for detecting Log4shell signatures and indicators of compromise.


Securing SAP Systems from Log4J Exploits

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has designated the recent Log4J vulnerability as one of the most serious in decades and urged organizations to immediately address the vulnerability in applications.  

Log4j is an open-source logging framework maintained by the Apache Foundation. The framework includes the API Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI). Strings passed through JNDI can force Log4J to query remote LDAP or other servers, download serialized Java code from the malicious servers, and execute the code during deserialization if message lookup substitution is enabled. This can lead to the complete compromise of impacted applications and systems. The remote code execution vulnerability impacts all versions of Log4J2 up to and including 2.14.1 in Java 8 or higher.

Message lookup substitution is disabled by default in Log4j 2.15.0. It has been removed altogether from 2.16.0. Therefore, customers should upgrade to the latest version of Log4J. The vulnerability is addressed by CVE-2021-44228 which has a base CVSS score of 10.0.

CISA has added CVE-2021-44228 to the Known Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog due to evidence of widespread active exploitation of the vulnerability by multiple threat actors. This includes nation state groups originating from China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. According to some reports, threat actors are exploiting the vulnerability to deploy ransomware payloads or to gain access to target networks. The access is then brokered to other threat actors.

Log4J is included in multiple SAP applications including SAP HANA XSA. The central note 3131047 includes available patches for impacted solutions. Refer to the SAP’s official response for details of all impacted products. Note 3129883 includes manual procedures for a workaround that will disable the loading of external code in Log4J using the J2EE Config Tool.

The Cybersecurity Extension for SAP identifies vulnerable SAP systems that have not been patched for the Log4J vulnerability. It also detects and alerts for suspected exploits targeted against SAP Java and Web Dispatcher installations based on exploit signatures. This includes known obfuscations and bypass methods.