SAP Security Notes
Read our latest SAP security bulletins to patch vulnerabilities in your SAP systems
SAP Security Notes, January 2021
Hot News note 2983367 corrects a code injection vulnerability in Master Data Management in SAP Business Warehouse and SAP BW4HANA. The vulnerability could be exploited to execute privileged OS commands. The correction introduces a hard coded report name which can only be executed by a legitimate user in release 7.30. The note removes the impacted …
SAP Security Notes, December 2020
Hot News note 2983367 patches a severe OS command injection vulnerability in SAP Business Warehouse Master Data Management (MDM) and BW4HANA. For release 7.30, the note binds the execution of the affected function module to a hard coded report and legitimate users. For release 7.40 and higher, the note removes the vulnerable function altogether. Note …
SAP Security Notes, November 2020
Hot News note 2973735 patches a code injection vulnerability in SAP AS ABAP and S/4 HANA. The note introduces an authorization check for object S_DMIS to control the execution of a vulnerable function module by RFC. The function module is used for checking the syntax for a table selection query. Attackers can abuse the function …
SAP Security Notes, October 2020
Hot news note 2969828 patches a OS command injection vulnerability in CA Introscope Enterprise Manager (EM) installed in SAP Solution Manager and SAP Focused Run. EM can be used to monitor the performance of Java applications. The note includes a patch for EM 10.7 and 10.5 SP2 patch 2 to remove the vulnerability. Earlier versions …
SAP Security Notes, September 2020
Hot News note 2958563 patches a critical code injection vulnerability in SAP Business Warehouse. The vulnerability targets specific function modules to assume complete control of BW including viewing, changing, or deleting data by injecting code into the working memory which is subsequently executed by the application. It impacts BW releases up to 7.40 running on …
SAP Security Notes, August 2020
Hot News note 2928635 patches a critical code execution vulnerability in SAP Knowledge Management (KM). KM supports the automatic execution of potentially malicious scripts in stored files without authentication. The note recommends disabling the option for Force Text Download to remove the vulnerability. Force Text Download is a parameter of the WebDAV Protocol. WebDAV includes …
SAP Security Notes, July 2020
Hot News Note 2934135 patches the critical RECON vulnerability in NetWeaver Application Server Java (AS Java). RECON targets a missing authentication flaw in the LM Configuration Wizard of AS Java to execute malicious code that creates administrative users in compromised systems. Attackers can exploit RECON to compromise not only AS Java systems but also connected …
SAP Security Notes, June 2020
Hot News note 2928570 patches a critical remote code execution vulnerability in SAP Liquidity Management for Banking. The vulnerability impacts connections using the Apache JServ Protocol (AJP) in Apache Tomcat. AJP connections should be blocked if not required by disabling the AJP Connector. The connections can be exploited to read and process arbitrary files in …
SAP Security Notes, May 2020
Hot News Note 2835979 patches a critical code injection vulnerability in Service Data Download. The vulnerability can be exploited by attackers to inject malicious code into the ST-PI plugin for NetWeaver Application Server ABAP (AS ABAP). This could lead to the complete compromise of ABAP servers. The vulnerability carries a base CVSS score of 9.9/10 …
SAP Security Notes, April 2020
Hot news note 2863731 provides updated correction instructions for a critical deserialization vulnerability in the enterprise Business Objects platform. The Crystal Reports .Net SDK WebForm Viewer in Business Objects could enable attackers with basic authorization to execute deserialization attacks. This could be exploited to perform malicious code execution. Note 2904480 patches a significant input validation …
SAP Security Notes, March 2020
Hot News note 2845377 patches a missing authentication check in the Diagnostics Agent. The Agent is a component of the Solution Manager landscape. It commonly connects to the Java server in Solution Manager through the J2EE Message Server HTTP port. This is recommended by SAP. However, it can also connect to Solution Manager using a …
SAP Security Notes, February 2020
Note 2841053 patches a high risk Denial of Service (DOS) Vulnerability in the SAP Host Agent. Username/password-based authentication requests for the SAP Host Agent are delegated to operating systems or LDAP, Active Directory and other authentication platforms. Operating systems and authentication platforms often include mechanisms to limit parallel logon requests in order to protect against …
SAP Security Notes, January 2020
Note 2822074 patches a missing authorization check in the Business Object Repository (BOR) of SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP. The note introduces the switchable authorization check objects S_BOR_RFC and S_BOR_PRX to supplement the generic S_RFC authorization. The new objects should be activated using transaction SACF to secure remote access to BOR. Note 2844646 is a …
SAP Security Notes, December 2019
Note 2871877 patches multiple high priority vulnerabilities in Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) Workbenches in SAP Enterprise Asset Management (EAM). This includes missing authorizations checks for authenticated users that could lead to an escalation of privileges, and directory traversal caused by insufficient path validation. The latter vulnerability could enable attackers to read, overwrite, delete, or …
SAP Security Notes, November 2019
Hot News Note 2839864 updates Note 2808158 for a high risk OS Command Injection vulnerability in the SAP Diagnostics Agent. The vulnerability exists within the OS Command Plugin of the Agent, accessible through transaction GPA_ADMIN and the OS Command Console. Note 2839864 provides a patch for the LM_SERVICE for Support Pack levels 6-9 of the …
SAP Security Notes, October 2019
Hot News Note 2828682 patches a vulnerability in SAP Landscape Management Enterprise that could lead to the disclosure of critical information. Although the notes carries a CVSS score of 9.1/10, the vulnerability addressed by the note can only be executed under specific, uncommon conditions. In addition to implementing SAP Landscape Management 3.0 SP12 Patch 02, …
SAP Security Notes, September 2019
Hot News Note 2798336 patches a critical code injection vulnerability in NetWeaver Application Server for Java (AS Java). A program error in the Web Container of AS Java could enable attackers to bypass input validation and execute dynamic content such as malicious code. The note includes updates for the J2EE Engine and API components. Note …
SAP Security Notes, August 2019
Hot News Note 2800779 patches a remote code execution vulnerability in the SAP NetWeaver UDDI Server. The vulnerability carries a CVSS score of 9.9/10 and could be exploited to take complete control of the Services Registry, including viewing, changing, or deleting data by injecting code into the working memory which is subsequently executed by the …
SAP Security Notes, July 2019
Hot News Note 2808158 patches a critical code injection vulnerability in the SAP Diagnostics Agent. The Agent is required to monitor operating systems and discover the database cluster topology from SAP Solution Manager. It is not required for monitoring the security of SAP systems with Solution Manager. Security-relevant data is collected or monitored primarily through …
SAP Security Notes, June 2019
Note 2748699 provides instructions for securing the credentials of the standard user SM_EXTERN_WS in SAP Solution Manager. SM_EXTERN_WS is used by CA Introscope Enterprise Manager (EM) to collect monitoring metrics from mainly non-ABAP components in SAP landscapes. The metrics are collected via the Introscope Push web service. The credentials for SM_EXTERN_WS including the automatically generated …
SAP Security Notes, May 2019
Note 1408081 was updated in May in response to the recent 10KBLAZE exploits targeting vulnerabilities in the gateway server. The note includes revised instructions for maintaining access control lists in the gateway security files reg_info and sec_info for different kernel versions. The access control lists should be configured to control external server registrations and program …
SAP Security Notes, April 2019
Note 2747683 patches a vulnerability in the signature security mechanism of the Adapter Engine in SAP NetWeaver Process Integration (PI). The vulnerability could enable attackers to spoof XML signatures and send arbitrary requests to the server via PI Axis adapter. Such requests will be accepted by the PI Axis adapter even if the payload has …
SAP Security Notes, March 2019
Note 2764283 addresses an XML External Entity vulnerability in SAP HANA extended application services (XS), advanced. HANA XS does not sufficiently validate an XML document accepted from an authenticated developer with privileges to the SAP space. Successful exploitation of the vulnerability could lead to the leading of arbitrary files in SAP servers or denial of …
SAP Security Notes, February 2019
Hot News Note 2742027 patches a critical broken authentication check in SAP HANA Extended Application Services, advanced model. The vulnerability could lead to unauthorized administrative access and the exfiltration, modification or deletion of sensitive data in HANA XS. The vulnerability carries a CVSS score of 9.4/10. It ranks relatively low in terms of attack complexity …